Duo Exhibition Aug. '23
2023年8月 展示

AIがパブリックドメインに進出してからというもの、 現実を捉える芸術形態であった写真の定義が問い直 されるようになった。 AIは写真に取って代わるのだろうか。それともAIは従来の 写真の可能性を広げ、ポストプロダクションの新時代を 築くのだろうか。イメージに命を吹き込むことが果たして AIにできるのだろうか。それともAIは芸術表現に見せかけた 複製品を生産するに留まるのだろうか。 いつの時代も、写真は見せる価値があるものをフレーミングで 切り取り、調整し、選択することで、その被写体に固有の 意味づけを行なってきた。AIツールを活用する際も同様の 思考プロセスが必要になる。つまり、見せる対象の根本となる 概念を捉え、それを効果的に表現するのだ。 この意味で、AIは現実と表現の境界線を曖昧にし、写真という 1フレームの限界を押し広げることによって、従来の写真を補完する 役割を担えるだろう。
Since the expansion of AI to public domains, the perception of photography as an art form that captures reality has been challenged. Is AI daunting to replace photography as a whole, or can it expand the possibilities of traditional photography, making way to a new era of post-production? Can it bring imagination to life, or will it merely replace creative expression with artificial reproductions? Photographs have always been objects of framing, adjustments and selecting what is worthy of being displayed, defining a specific context for their subjects. Using an AI tool requires a similar thought process - comprehending the underlying concept of what should be shown and expressing it effectively. In this understanding, AI could be able to complement traditional photography, blurring the lines between reality and expression, extending the limitations of the single frame of a photograph.
Solo Exhibition Feb. '22
2023年2月 個展

Grids are the basis of every type of design. They vary in size, scale and function, but they are without a doubt vital to architecture. We tend to see architecture in it’s whole, as a building or as part of infrastructure with a certain use for us as humans, while overlooking that these constructs are not only made for but also by humans. By zooming in, changing perspective and trimming the field of sight, I want to highlight this aspect of urban architecture and design - the grand capability of creation through using nothing more and nothing less than a grid.